Blog Archive

Monday, August 15, 2011

And then some days, our life feels like drinking from a fire hose

*Elizabeth started kindergarden...another post altogether. We survived...and she had a wonderful day. I'm so grateful I was able to drop her off AND pick her up at the end of a day which felt far to long for this mama. 

*Our weekend in the FPU was a great success and now we have ourselves a nursing machine! So I'm staying overnight in a chair at her bedside (no FPU tonight!) and will dream of the snuggly days ahead in our own bed.

*We tried the bottle after a hiatus to work on breastfeeding, and Ava was brilliant at it! She'll have to take two fortified bottles a day when she goes home, so we're thankful we won't have to give those through an NG tube...

*Finally, Ava gained 1 ounce overnight and now weighs a perfectly reasonable newborn weight of 7 pounds! If this continues, we should be able to go home in the next few days while my mom is still here to help with the transition. I guess it's time we bought some diapers!
