Blog Archive

Thursday, August 4, 2011

38 Weeks

Ava is 38 weeks old and beginning to look more like a newborn every day. She even offered up a little smile yesterday! Tomorrow she'll have her MRI to follow up on how her shunt is working at minimizing her hydrocephalus. On the outside she looks good, but we'll be relieved to get confirmation that her ventricles (where the fluid collects) have returned to normal size. We're also very anxious to see if her brain has recovered from being squished.

Would you pray with us that her brain would be healthy and uninjured?

On the home front, we're surviving. These last few days have been really hard and both Matt and I need strength to press on. Ava's nursing isn't going particularly well and while it can simply be explained by the fact that she's not supposed to be here yet, we're discouraged that it's looking like feeding issues will keep us on the hospital for longer.

Would you pray that I would be patient, that Ava would begin to nurse with gusto, and for encouragement for my heart?

Would you also pray specifically for favor for Matt at work?

I'll let you know how the MRI goes...

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