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Monday, March 26, 2018

Ups and Downs

These two pictures bookended a difficult day for E. She was up early for a chest X-ray and a blood draw for labs, and then learned not only is the fluid still there, but she's now developed a pneumothorax (a small hole in her upper left lung) thanks to the therapy she endured to try to re-inflate it. Ugh. 


This was followed by the news that she was to be NPO (couldn't eat or drink) and might go for surgery in the afternoon. While both of those decisions were eventually delayed by a day in favor of increasing her diuretics, it made for a hard morning of frustration, disappointment, sadness and anxiety. 


Now that she's 12, she knows the pain that she's facing. She realizes that Dr.s smile and are friendly, then have to poke and prod. And she knows that she feels crummy and it feels like it's never going to end. 

The afternoon improved with the visit of her sisters, a winning game of Hospital Bingo, a short visit by a doting friend and the arrival of BOTH of her grandmas into her room for "the changing of the guard"! (My mom leaves tomorrow and Matt's mom is here for the next 9 days. 


Obviously, she ended the day on a much higher note, but we would appreciate continued prayers! That pesky fluid is still hanging around. She'll have surgery tomorrow if it isn't resolved. She is on large doses of diuretics, so pray that she would be free of complications! Pray for grace for Matt as he has to see patients 3 days this week. And pray for continued health and restorative rest for all of us. 


Though this feels difficult, there are many ways in which we feel so blessed...available grandmas, healthy bodies, stable work and living situations, incredible support from friends and family, our church and colleagues. May we continue to find and receive the nourishment of peace and grace from this, our daily bread. 

Sent from my iPhone

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