Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

T-minus 24 hours

So grateful for some one-on-one time with both Hannah and Ruby yesterday and today. Everyone is a bit on pins and needles, but overall, hearts are calm and we're all eager to get on the other side of the surgery in order to get the lay of the land.  We enjoyed a yummy dinner from friends and topped it off with Elizabeth's favorite: strawberries and whipped cream, to celebrate the first day of Spring. 

This afternoon we found out  we are scheduled to register at 9am. Elizabeth's the second case, so she'll go back to the OR in the afternoon. It'll make for a long morning of not eating or drinking, but it will be really nice not to have to rouse her at 5am to get there early. Also on the bright side, after years of pre-op eating and drinking restrictions, she's become a real champ and will hopefully be easily distracted by unlimited media time while she waits. 

Please pray for deep rest for all of us overnight and that this crazy nor'easter wouldn't cause any complications! So thankful we can trust in God's perfect timing tomorrow. I'll be posting updates via social media and on our blog. (Link in profile)Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. They mean the world to us! 

PS -can you see that the moon 🌙 is really still round 🌝? Still reminds me of our sweet Ava Bean and our Faithful God💗


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