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Monday, April 25, 2011

Best. Birthday. Ever.

This morning at 4:06am...God gave me a miracle for my birthday. According to my OB, my clot would probably not fully resolve due to it's size...but this morning it did!! God delivered me from my subchorinic bleed, and to make a long story short (I'll post a fuller account after a good night's sleep) my body is responding normally to the "event", the baby and her "short-term housing" looked healthy and happy on ultrasound is morning, and we believe after a few more weeks of modified bed rest to allow ms to recover, I could be "home free"!!

Thank you for your prayers for me and our little miracle...God is so good.


Misha said...

I saw your comment, too! AMAZING and wonderful. I am so happy you told me. I am so happy WITH you! : ) YAY!

nichole said...

God is good. I am so happy for you Sara. This news is a great way for me to start today.

The Haydens... said...

Can't wait to hear more -- what great news!