Elizabeth's feeding: I'm particularly vaulnerable to dispair in this area. While we've seen some MAJOR progress in the last 6 months, we've hit a bit of a snag. Since the move we have been unable to recapture some of the enjoyment of eating that we saw glimpses of back in SF. I'm hopeful that with a whole new team of Dr.s and therapists, we'll be able to get some good input and make further progress, but at this time, she's taking about 50% of her food by mouth, vomiting 1 or 2 meals a day and the only thing she expresses enjoyment of is purreed mac'n'cheese. While that's something...I can't feed her a 1000 calorie diet in 80cal doses of mac & cheese. Add to that the awareness that kids in her position often latch on to one thing and if we're not careful, she can max out on it, suddenly stop liking it, and then we're back to square one.
I've got a lead on a fantastic intensive feeding therapy program with great success rates (ironically, back in the Bay Area and JUST approved by our previous insurance....oh the timing) but the therapy itself costs close to $17,000 and isn't covered by our current insurance. She's willing to give me a consultation and some input for 170$/hour....and that's beginning to look REALLY appealing. So we need wisdom and grace. I'm looking ahead at the arrival of Baby Girl Deux and can't begin to imagine tube feeding and breast feeding and juggling both all alone. That said, I couldn't have imagined "doing" our life as it is now, and yet somehow God has provided the grace and strength for the past 2 years. Now we need Him to fill our resevoir once again.
My Pregnancy: Also a bit of a challenge. I'm taking things slowly, and by the grace of God have avoided symptoms that would require bedrest, but we're asking the Lord to heal me completely and let us proceed with a "normal" pregnancy. This coming October, our family will fly to the Bay Area for a Memorial/Family Reunion weekend in honor of my Grandpa's passing. I really want to be there, but need an uneventful pregnancy in order to get travel clearance. Would you join us in praying for God to bring His resolultion to these details, and for us to walk in trust and peace while we wait?
Matt's Job: has turned out a bit differently than he anticipated. He specifically needs favor with his boss, so that he can discuss how to make things work moving forward. In the mean time, he's exhausted, frustrated and sees no end in sight. Would you pray for grace and encouragement for him? He especially wants & needs the Holy Spirit to guard his tongue so he doesn't make matters worse with his words.
Finally, our move has been somewhat of a challenge as well...lots of sickness, MANY extra expenditures that simply didn't need to occur. And all in all, where things could go wrong...they have, and where things just shouldn't go wrong...they have. So we're weary! We need grace, stamina and overcoming faith to maintain our joy these days. We'd really appreciate your prayers for us to that end.
Here are some recent photos of Elizabeth:

Tasting a pickle - she actually liked it! Salt, vinegar...what's not to love? Do you think I could count this as a vegetable??

Walking with Daddy

Just hanging out with Daddy

Playing in her spilt milk. I was measuring her food, turned around and she was splashing away. The funny part is, I didn't for an instant think about the $5.50 I'd just paid for a 1/2 gallon of organinc, hormone free milk (250ccs of which were now mositurizing our tile floor)...instead, my first thought was, "oooh, this is good therapy...'Splash Elizabeth! Enjoy the wetness! Get it all over!'" :)

I love this photo. This just feels like "normal kid eating" to me. It's probably because I have a photo of me at a similar age...face covered in spaghetti. In this shot, she's signing "signing times"...trying to get me to move out of the way of her video...silly kid!