Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coming up for air

Hello! I’m finally coming up for air! πŸ˜… Quarantine has been for us, like it has been for so many. We’ve relished in even more together time with Matt working mostly from home.  We’ve played games, worked some puzzles, read some books, taken a few walks at a safe distance from friendly neighbors. We’ve FaceTimed or Marco polo’d, or zoomed to stay in touch with friends, our church family and our family-family also sheltering in place around the world.  I’ve taken up stress-baking & stress-eating...just to keep balance. πŸ˜‰

We’ve also struggled to find a rhythm for our new normal...just when I thought I’d found my footing, Ruby spiked a fever on Wednesday night and we found we had to separate her from Elizabeth both for the risk of COVID19 and honestly the risk of ANY exposure to ANYthing now that she’s so immunosuppressed. 

Mercifully, a neighbor on our floor is out of town for the next month, and we were able to schlep ourselves to their apartment! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ Such grace. 
Now we wait. E needs to be away from Ruby for 14 we’re counting down to a week from this Saturday...until then, we FaceTime and zoom and I get coffee delivered to my door every morning by a handsome delivery man. πŸ’—

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