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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Daily Brownies....(ahem) Bread.

Nothing like a little (or a lot of) stress to reveal that I'm a comfort eater. Following the discovery of a benign but growing tumor in her liver, tomorrow is our appointment with Elizabeth's surgical team. With all the questions yet to be answered, over the past few days I've felt like chocolate was just a really good idea. And coffee. And carbs of all sorts. Sigh.
Tonight I sat in a planning session for school and I could feel fear squeezing my heart. For a moment I wanted to let the *what if's* rattle around my head. As if thinking through the possibilities would give my mind something to tether itself to.
But then I remembered: He has not given me a spirit of fear. My good shepherd, who clothes the lilies of the field with extravagant colors knows what we need tomorrow. He knows our dear girl more intimately than any expert physician and he has her. And Ruby. And Hannah. And he has Matt & I too...all safe in his strong hands.
I'm convinced he wants me to trust him for my daily bread. He knows just what we need for tomorrow. So tonight, I can rest.

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