Sunday, November 24, 2019
Home and Healing
My mom (Granna) left on Friday morning, and Matt's mom (Grandma) came Friday evening. We're so blessed by Grandmas who travel and jump right in to support and encourage us!
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Monday, November 18, 2019
Miracle of miracles!
It is a marvel to see how far our Joy-child has come in such a short time:
💗10 days ago we received the call.
💗9 days ago someone gave us the greatest gift, and 10 hours later she was recovering in the PICU with a perfectly-matched, healthy new-to-her liver!
💗4 days ago she underwent her closure surgery.
💗Today, she worked with OT, PT, got in and out of bed without help, took a shower, climbed up and down a flight of stairs, walked 6 laps around the fourth floor,sailed through a chest X-ray & abdominal ultrasound confirming her lungs have fully recovered, and had both of her drainage tubes removed. Her abdomen is officially “sealed up tight” and if all goes well tonight, her team would like to send her home tomorrow! 😭🙌🏼🎉💗
FRIENDS!! I’m speechless. And eating celebratory strawberry pie! #itwasawholepie #nowitsnot
God is so so good!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Happy Sabbath
Visits from two different therapy dogs 💗
Breakfast treats sent from a friend 💗
Having two new friends from @tgcwestside as part of Elizabeth’s care network at the hospital 💗
Retro bingo complete with the ball tumbler makes for a sweet girls’ afternoon 💗
Get well cards from friends at to cheer Elizabeth’s heart 💗
Happy Sabbath 💗
What a Difference a Day Makes!
* She has been fever free for over 24 hours
* Though she still has significant chest pain due to her collapsed lung, her hatred of the high flow oxygen 😅 has motivated her to practice slow deep breathing, 🙌🏼 and she is slowly improving!

* Her abdominal pain is so improved that she no longer needs her pain med pump. Oral meds means she can get transferred out of the PICU 🙌🏼
* She took 2 walks and sat up for about 4 hours in total today! 🤯 Remember how she had abdominal surgery only 48 hours ago?! Between the physical therapist and the respiratory therapist and the nurse, she had quite an adoring entourage!

* Her appetite is slowly returning and she enjoyed both pizza and a friend's homemade Mac and cheese! 🍕 🎉 #ispydaddystealinghermuffin 😜

* Because her heart rate, oxygenation and respiratory rate were stable, we gave her a trial off of her oxygen & she did amazingly!

* Because she'd spent all afternoon off her oxygen and was maintaining her sats, she was cleared from respiratory therapy, another hurdle to leaving the PICU
Finally...just after shift change, we got assigned to a room outside of the PICU! And by 9pm, we were making ourselves at home on the 4th floor!
Needless to say, it's been a wild ride, and we go to bed with thankFULL hearts. 💗

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Friday, November 15, 2019
A Bump in the Road
As I walked from home to the hospital this afternoon, this song (Be Still my Soul) came to mind. I drew so much courage from knowing the One who was there when she came into being, is with her now. Her body still knows it's Maker and will listen when He says "Peace, be still".
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Surgery 2 Update
Closure Surgery
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Fun Memories
Today was another great day for Elizabeth. She still has bouts of severe and distracting pain, but she's also acting more and more like her healthy self. She's such a trooper. Her overcoming joy, amazing tolerance and quirky sense of humor amidst all the poking and prodding and invasion of her physical space is inspiring, and brings out the best in me when I'm with her. She's a rock star patient. Meanwhile Ruby & Hannah are troopers too! Pray for all the tender, tired hearts. It's hard to be outside the eye of this emotional hurricane. 💗🙏🏼💗
Thank you friends
Monday, November 11, 2019
A Walking Miracle
Today was pretty eventful for her. We’re making baby steps toward getting transferred out of the PICU. In fact, she’s a walking miracle. And by “walking” I mean, literally, standing up and taking a walk to the far wall! 🤯🙌🏼 a little more than 48 hours have passed since she received a liver that “doesn’t know it’s been transplanted,” (I’m looking at you normal liver function tests!?) and she’s doing brilliantly! (Swipe to see the proof!)
She also was able to graduate from a bunch of her IV meds. She’s a pro with pills, so once her blood thinners reached the right level, they were able to take out all this hardware!
Please pray for another night of good sleep, protection for all of us from the winter bugs flying around, 😷 and for her pain to continue to improve.
Thank you precious friends. Your prayers and support are lifting such a heavy burden off our shoulders. 💗
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Liver Love and Some Ups and Downs
Now the hard: Last night was pretty miserable for E. She was in a great deal of pain and was extremely uncomfortable and discouraged. Neither of us slept much, which made it all feel worse. Mid-afternoon her dressing became loose and without going into a lot of details, it was really stressful for her for a number of hours.
Tonight we've gained some ground on her pain management, and Matt has worked up a satisfactory cover for her wound dressing so please pray for deep rest for both of them, as well as all of us at home.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Rest & Recovery
Yesterday, when the hope of transplant was still a month away, God gave me the grace to believe HE &; YOU, our friends and family, would do the work. We could rest and receive His care.
Rest & Recovery
Friends, she's out of surgery, and recovering in the PICU. We are blown away by God's mercy. Everything went so smoothly! The precious gift liver was a perfect match. They had to do some work-arounds, and as a result she has a "temporary closure", which will be replaced in a week or so once the swelling goes down. But everyone is really happy with how the day has gone.
I'm going to put my phone down for a while, but I must tell you how faithful our God is. Yesterday, in the early hours of the day I was reading my bible and reflecting that in Acts 12, scripture says that Peter was sleeping in prison, chained between guards and likely aware that he could die the next day. Meanwhile "the church was earnestly praying to God for him." I recognize the trust required for Peter to sleep and leave the outcome of the next day in Gods hands. But after more reflection I realized how Peter was *resting* and it was the church who was doing the work. Peter wasn't the one interceding for himself, he wasn't *acting out* his face. He was resting.
Yesterday, when the hope of transplant was still a month away, God gave me the grace to believe HE & YOU, our friends and family, would do the work. We could rest and receive His care.
All through the day there were little nudges that made us see that God was working. Matt ran into our surgeon on the train and he let Matt know E was at the top of the list in the region. This didn't guarantee her anything of course, but after weeks of not seeing any possibilities, we felt hopeful again.
Later in the morning we had an orthodontist appointment and I followed my gut and we removed her braces. This was a sweet moment of celebration and makes her oral hygiene so much easier in the hospital! It also meant she had pizza as her last meal before we had to stop her food and drink.
As I mentioned before, we had weekend childcare in place, so the race to the hospital was offset by a fun night for Hannah & Ruby. The Chandlers brought their A Game and hosted both a cupcake bake-off and a building competition today. To have Ruby and Hannah loves so we'll is just priceless.
While waiting in the ER to be called for surgery at 4am was so painful, once we got upstairs, Matt and I were able to crash in an unused pre-op room. The sweet nurse wheeled in two gurnies, and we got a couple of hours to sleep! After the shift change a new nurse brought us to a room with a door! #itsthelittlethings and we were able to wait there for the whole day. Lunch & dinner from @eliswads, so many texts and calls and prayers and offers of support from all of you made such a hard day, so much easier.
Elizabeth came out of the ICU with amazing stats. In real time she's miserable (she deserves to feel awful), but on paper, she's doing an A+ job of being a transplant recipient! My mom hopped on a plane and will be here for the next few weeks. Friends, we are so very thankful. We're exhausted, overwhelmed, amazed and humbled by the mercy and grace we're experiencing. Thank you for continuing to do the work while our family rests in such beautiful provision. 💗
Friday, November 8, 2019
It’s happening!!
What a treat to have some girl time. 💗 Then this morning, we decided to wrap up this phase of Elizabeth’s orthodontia to make her hospital stay that much easier. No more braces for her! We were so thankful things were falling into place. 🙏🏼💗
....but before the dust could settle, we got the call we’ve been waiting for tonight!
Friends. It looks like we have a liver for Elizabeth. 💗😭😭The whole healthy liver and all its vessels will be collected in the next several hours, and Elizabeth’s surgery will take place about an hour later. We are amazed by God’s provision. Our friends had already made arrangements to stay overnight with the girls while Matt and I attended a wedding, so they are already here with the girls and no extra planning was required. Needless to say, we raced home, and it’s been more seamless than we could’ve hoped for. It won’t be 100% until they get the liver out, but join us in praying that the liver is a perfect match for Elizabeth. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
If you want to get more time sensitive updates, find me on Facebook or instagram. We are so thankful for your prayers for our brave girl and our whole family!