Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our little "midas tune up" tomorrow

We've got a big day tomorrow. Now that we have FULLY recovered from our Christmas adventure we're back on the schedule for regular endoscopies to check in on the varicose veins in Elizabeth's esophagus. We'd planned to do the procedure before Christmas and combine it with a surgical procedure to close her g-tube site, which has remained open since we pulled out her tube last February. In a sign of God's grace, at the last minute, we decided to delay the procedure until after our trip. After seeing how sick Elizabeth got while we were gone, it's a good thing we did! In the interim, she now needs her ear tubes replaced, so we were able to add yet another procedure to our docket for tomorrow.

Technically, each of the procedures is scheduled as "same day" so we'll get to the hospital bright and early at 5:45am, then Eliza-bug will go under general anesthesia for a few hours and if all goes well, we'll be home by dinnertime...

We'd appreciate your prayers for grace and Elizabeth's protection. Our flight home from California was an amazing example of how God's grace can carry us through lots of logistical obstacles with ease and we're asking God to supply the same grace for tomorrow. Ruby will play at Sophie's house so she'll be happy as a clam.

We'll let you know how it goes!

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