Monday, January 25, 2010


That's the word the surgeon used, so I guess we can use it too! Thank you for your prayers...All three of Elizabeth's procedures went beautifully. She was cheerful and peaceful all morning, despite the early hour, and after cheerfully chatting the nurse's ear off, responded well to the anesthesia and drifted off to a "happy place". This was her longest surgery to date and took almost two and a half hours...but she rested contentedly in recovery and 2 hours later woke up, drank some juice, scarfed some graham crackers and was ready to head home! Matt and I were pretty amazed! To top it off, she got to ride in her very own wheelchair out to the car and as we climbed in she cheerfully announced, "That was EASY!"
Amazing. We've gotten so used to curve balls & unexpected complications on this journey with Elizabeth, and honestly, sometimes have a hard time even hoping for a smooth and easy road. But lately we've been practicing believing that God is good ALL the time and have been meditating on Psalm 112:7 which says, "He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD."...and incredibly, our hearts are growing in confidence and trust and rest. So it's good news all around. Ruby had a marvelous morning with Sophie and sweet Kristen offered to keep her until after her nap so I could get Elizabeth settled at home. What a good friend!
I'm off to tend to Elizabeth, but wanted to share the latest...Thanks again for praying for our family!


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