Sunday, November 17, 2019

What a Difference a Day Makes!

If I tried to give you the play by play, it would take me 6 paragraphs, so I'll simply say, praise be to God, Elizabeth is on the mend! 

* She has been fever free for over 24 hours
* Though she still has significant chest pain due to her collapsed lung, her hatred of the high flow oxygen 😅 has motivated her to practice slow deep breathing, 🙌🏼 and she is slowly improving!
* Her abdominal pain is so improved that she no longer needs her pain med pump. Oral meds means she can get transferred out of the PICU 🙌🏼
* She took 2 walks and sat up for about 4 hours in total today! 🤯 Remember how she had abdominal surgery only 48 hours ago?! Between the physical therapist and the respiratory therapist and the nurse, she had quite an adoring entourage! 
* Her appetite is slowly returning and she enjoyed both pizza and a friend's homemade Mac and cheese! 🍕 🎉 #ispydaddystealinghermuffin 😜
* Because her heart rate, oxygenation and respiratory rate were stable, we gave her a trial off of her oxygen & she did amazingly! 
* Because she'd spent all afternoon off her oxygen and was maintaining her sats, she was cleared from respiratory therapy, another hurdle to leaving the PICU

Finally...just after shift change, we got assigned to a room outside of the PICU! And by 9pm, we were making ourselves at home on the 4th floor! 

Needless to say, it's been a wild ride, and we go to bed with thankFULL hearts. 💗

Sent from my iPhone

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