Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back in the Saddle...I mean Hospital

This is Matt, trying my best to figure out WWSW (What Would Sara Write?)...

Last night Elizabeth complained of abdominal pain and had a low grade fever. This morning, her fever began climbing and managed to get as high as 105! Obviously, we took her to the ER and she's been admitted for another severe infection. It's too early to know where the infection is coming from, but there's no obvious source. The doctors (myself included), worry that she's having another bout of bacteria in the blood stream. Time will tell. After looking very sick for the whole day, IV fluids and antibiotics have Elizabeth looking a little better. She was even strong enough be her brave little self, and thank the nurses who drew her blood. Sara is staying with her overnight in the hospital, and unfortunately, the hospital is full enough that no private rooms are available and she's lost her ear plugs!

In addition to praying for Elizabeth's health, please be praying that Sara will be able to get some sleep too.


  1. Ugh, not a fun way to come back from vacation :( I'll be praying for all 4 of you.

  2. Thanks Lis. Yeah, Matt and I were marveling today that the days of lounging on the beach seem oh so far away now! sigh...but we DID get a vacation...we have the pictures and the peeling skin to prove it.
