Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Home Again!

It's nice to be home. We had a fantastic time in California. Both girls were healthy the entire time and the flights to and from were uneventful (if you can call schlepping 2 little ones across the country with everything they might need in a 6 hour period stuffed under the seat in front of you "uneventful") Thank you for your prayers for our trip...it was a resounding success and we can't wait to do it again. I'll post a few more pics of cousin camp when I get things together. A grand time was had by all. Until then, we're enjoying getting resettled in our home and the girls are re-exploring their "hood".

Sister Time on the Rug

Making Ruby Laugh

Ruby's Post-nap Hairdo

Ruby is itching to crawl, and I'm convinced she's started saying "Mama." We won't get to document it in her baby book until Matt's on board, but needless to say, it will be soon, I think. She's over 22 lbs now and LOVES to laugh. We get such a kick out of her easy going,
sunny personality.

Elizabeth had a round of labs as soon as we got back, and they showed that while still high, her ammonia is coming down, so we'll continue to watch it and confir with her doctors. She's got an appointment with the feeding clinic here at St. Louis Children's Hospital tomorrow so we're praying that this therapist has some new tricks up her sleeve. Granna taught her some sight words while on the plane back from California and she LOVED spelling, so we continue to play lots of word games, along with her daily diet of signing and reading. She loves drawing pictures for people & right now she's fixated on "Auntie Julia", Matt's sister, and "Benjamin" our friend in California.

Matt's job is going well and we're beginning to look down the road a little and (gasp) think about that light that's been at the end of the tunnel that we're going to be reaching soon...

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