Monday, November 12, 2007

Hanging in there

It's been a few days since we sent an update...mostly because, though Elizabeth is stable and doing well, we're exhausted! The short story is: the Infectious Disease team was able to narrow the "bug" down further and now has identified it as streptococcus pneumonia ("strep-pneumo" for short) . As a result, they are giving her a new antibiotic specifically for that infection and have decided she only needs 7 days of antibiotics once her blood cultures come back negative (meaning there's no more of the bacteria in her blood). As of now, it looks like that means we can go home on Friday, a full 10 days before Baby Girl Harms is due to arrive. At the same time, she's still being treated for her "c-dif", and the upside to that is, we're on isolation, and can't have a roommate! (insert great sigh of relief here!) All in all, Elizabeth is doing really well. She's a different child that she was during our last hospitalization, and if it's possible, the gains she made in terms of over coming her fear of ALL things hospital, have continued. She's friendly to everyone who walks in (even though they're all wearing yellow gowns and gloves), she participates in her vital checks with great delight, and is cheerful, active and engaged, unless she's getting stuck for another IV or blood draw.

A few more things we're grateful for:
-Our own room
-Elizabeth's emotional stability
-Once again, being hospitalized where Matt works
-All the meals we've been receiving at the hospital. It may not seem like much, but having breakfast, lunch or dinner delivered to us at the hospital is a HUGE blessing since Matt is working hard and I can't really leave Elizabeth.
-My pregnancy is stable and shows no sign of "ending" soon. :) Stay in there Baby Girl!!
-The help of a few friends (Jenny, Jill, Betsy and Paul to name a few) who have come by the room and played with Elizabeth so I could go to OB appointments or run home, or simply lie down and put my big swollen feet's SUCH a gift to me.

A few things we'd love your prayers for:
-NO complications for Elizabeth that would keep us in the hospital past Friday
-Stable IVs. She's blown 2 already, the antibiotic she's on is known for being "hard on veins", and she's a "tough stick". Today they had to poke her 5 times in order to get a new IV in and in the end only were able to get enough blood for SOME of the labs they wanted. They'll have to try again tomorrow for more blood. Please pray for a "one stick wonder!"
-Energy when we're awake, sleep when we need it, and continued grace for this.
-If there is ANYTHING that's brewing, regarding Elizabeth's health, that would complicate the next few months, that God would bring it to the attention of the Dr.s so it can be dealt with.

Ok, I must sleep now. Matt's at the hospital overnight, so I have to take advantage of the uninterrupted night ahead.
Thank you so much for continuing to support our family through this.
Sara (for all of us)

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