Thursday, November 24, 2005

Elizabeth Archives - Day 41

Today Elizabeth and I spent Thanksgiving together in her room. The hospital provided a nice turkey dinner for the pediatric patients and their families and since I had my baby girl in my arms (I'm still wearing that mask of course) there was no place I'd rather have been. Matt is on-call at the county hospital tonight so we spent our first 24 hours apart in a long time.

Elizabeth had a good day. She's gaining weight - she weighs 8 lbs! She's still not able to tolerate too much food at a time but she's getting better at keeping what she is getting, down. She's up to 14cc's/hour and they're trying to see if they can ease her up to 15 without making her puke too much. They've decided to put her on a medication with fewer side effects for her fungus and she's tolerating it really well. She got that pesky oxygen tube out of her nose and she seemed to appreciate that (plus she's much cuter for her daily photo shoots!). She received visits from both sets of grandparents and bunches of aunts and uncles and even 2 cousins, and wasn't at all overwhelmed with the attention. In fact, she slept through most of it.

Please pray for:
-her left leg has become quite swollen and we're not sure why. It could be another clot, fluid retention or something more serious. Because of the holiday, we'll have to wait till tomorrow to get an ultrasound. Pray that it clears up and that the reason for the swelling becomes clear.
-continue to pray that she'll hold onto her food and that the nurses and the rest of the team will have wisdom about how quickly to keep increasing her feeds. We want her to get enough nutrition, but don't want to force-feed her beyond her tummy's ability to handle it. If we need to proceed more slowly, we want to do just that - regardless of the "goals".
-My cough continues and is wearing me out...and scaring my daughter (Since she has to see a pair of eyes and a big white blob where her mom used to be!)

Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving...we're so thankful for each of you.
Sara (for all of us)

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