Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Post-Procedure Panini

A pizza panini was Elizabeth's chosen reward for making it through this day! Could she look any more in love? 😍😂
THANK YOU for your prayers. We had such peace all day long. The consultations and appointments went so smoothly, and we were able to have so many of our questions answered. There was a last minute switch due to a transplant surgery, and we ended up consulting with the chief of transplant surgery! It was so helpful to be able to go through all of her imaging together. At the end of the day, we feel so thankful to be at such an incredible hospital and to be cared for by such a wonderful team. And Instead of doing math in the waiting room, 😬 while we were busy with the team, Ruby and Hannah were loved on by sweet friends a few blocks away. Such grace! *
We have more to consider, and continue to ask for wisdom for the road ahead, but tonight we are all ready to get some rest. Goodnight friends. 💕

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Growing our Grace Muscles

These girls of ours are troopers. Some days they're working on math in the ski lodge, others, they're managing school work in waiting rooms, walking to countless doctor and therapy appointments or simply adjusting to the *many* plan changes in our already full days.