Determined to find beauty in the unfamiliar places. An unintended journey began and continues. God remains faithful through it all.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Alive & Well
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during our transition home. We are tremendously thankful for my parents who were here to help us juggle:
*Elizabeth's first week of Kindergarten (SUCCESS!)
*Matt's Boards (done and over with and he's pretty confident he passed!)
*Two check-ups for Ava (she's eating well, growing well (7lbs 4oz now), sleeping well...acting like a newborn! We also received word from the experts who'd looked at Ava's MRIs and they agree that they really don't have any idea what they're seeing! We're taking that as wonderful news and will continue to pray for complete healing and treat her like the healthy babe she is.)
*and our first weekend as a family of six all under one roof.
God continues to be gracious and things are going well. I'd love to give more details, but I must sleep now. I'll try to post something more substantial later this week, but wanted you all to know our first week together has been as smooth as we could have hoped.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Ava Came Home!
Ava is home.
Matt, Sara, Elizabeth, Ruby, Hannah Mae & Ava...Together At Last!
Three, two, one...
Monday, August 15, 2011
And then some days, our life feels like drinking from a fire hose
*Our weekend in the FPU was a great success and now we have ourselves a nursing machine! So I'm staying overnight in a chair at her bedside (no FPU tonight!) and will dream of the snuggly days ahead in our own bed.
*We tried the bottle after a hiatus to work on breastfeeding, and Ava was brilliant at it! She'll have to take two fortified bottles a day when she goes home, so we're thankful we won't have to give those through an NG tube...
*Finally, Ava gained 1 ounce overnight and now weighs a perfectly reasonable newborn weight of 7 pounds! If this continues, we should be able to go home in the next few days while my mom is still here to help with the transition. I guess it's time we bought some diapers!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Countdown Begins
Tomorrow morning, Matt will come to the hospital early so I can drive home to get Elizabeth ready and drop her off for her very first day of Kindergarten. Needless to say, tomorrow will be a big day for all of us!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Wireless Wonder
In fun news, we have one of my favorite nurses tonight, and she suggested we pull Ava's NG tube since the plan is not to use it for now...isn't that a beautiful face??
Thank you for all your prayers. Ava's nursing is definitely improving, the girls had a great day and Granna got a little rest too thanks to a sweet friend who took the big girls to the park & Matt's studying went well. One day down! Now, sweet Ava is tucked in for a few hours, so I'm going to try to rest too!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Ava's Big Day
Sent from my iPad
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I'm sad.
I'm tired.
I liked my story. It was filled with my dreams and hopes. Good dreams. Dreams that involved nurturing my daughters by nursing them, staying home to raise them, exploring our world together, home-educating them. It was important to me. It gave me a little feeling of stability. Stability that comes from planning and hoping for something...something that I thought might work out. After all, I look around and lots of people get to make plans and have them work out. He whispers ", follow me". And I drag my feet. I don't feel excited. The enemy whispers, "This is probably going to be hard. This will probably hurt." And I can't disagree. But then, we've had nearly six years to see his faiththfulness in the hard and hurting times.
The root of my hesitation is that His faithfulness doesn't always make our life easy. God doesn't always swoop in like we think He should. He keeps our feet from slipping, but He doesn't always smooth the path. And then sometimes our feet do slip, and He catches us when we fall.
The mercy in this moment is that in spite of everything, we know in our core that God is good. He is faithfully weaving His plans for our lives and no matter what, no matter where, He will be present, and His grace will be sufficient. But there is and will no doubt still be pain, and sorrow and loss. Our only hope is in His assurance that somehow that too will be used for His glory. Slowly, moment by moment, that becomes the aim...His Glory.
These lives we offered up and He really took us at our word. We're matter the cost.
Many of you write and share your stories saying, "But that's nothing compared to what you're going through"...and while that's natural, it's not true! It's everything! Matt always says, "Your biggest thing, is the biggest thing." It's your opportunity to take your hurt, your disappointment and offer it up to God, refusing to attack His character and His heart, choosing instead to believe.
Matt and I are choosing to see this pain as a gift, either sifted through or directly from the hand of a loving Father. It presses us into Him, frees us from idolizing our comfort, and forces loose our stranglehold on our script, so He can take the pen and write a new storyline, with HIM at the center. We choose to yield to it, let it accomplish its work in us and bless His name.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Ava's MRI Results
We are, of course, so sad. We would, of course, dearly love your prayers and support. We are simply too overwhelmed to look to far down the road and ask all the "what if's". We still need daily grace for the hospital/home routine. We still need daily wisdom to know how to meet Elizabeth's needs. Elizabeth starts Kindergarten on the 15th and we need to wrap our brains (and my heart) around that. In each of these things, we can only cling to God and rely on his faithfulness one moment at a time.
He has not changed.
He is good.
We can trust Him.
May God get glory from even this.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
38 Weeks
Would you pray with us that her brain would be healthy and uninjured?
On the home front, we're surviving. These last few days have been really hard and both Matt and I need strength to press on. Ava's nursing isn't going particularly well and while it can simply be explained by the fact that she's not supposed to be here yet, we're discouraged that it's looking like feeding issues will keep us on the hospital for longer.
Would you pray that I would be patient, that Ava would begin to nurse with gusto, and for encouragement for my heart?
Would you also pray specifically for favor for Matt at work?
I'll let you know how the MRI goes...