Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Elizabeth Archives - Pregnancy Announcement

It is with great joy and anticipation that Matt and I announce that we're expecting a little one come October! I just passed the 10 week mark, and after a bout with morning (actually ALL DAY)sickness, I've found some safe remedies and I'm feeling better. We are delighted to cap off 3 grandchildren this year for the Peterson Family, and bring the first Baby Harms into the world (we'll at least in this branch of the Harms Family).

Those of you who've visited us may be asking...where in the heck will they put a BABY in that little apartment?!? We'll, wonder no longer. My spatially gifted husband has already got the plans to repurpose our walk through closet to be a baby's room. We are grateful that we won't have to move anytime soon. We love our neighborhood, our neighbors and the simplicity of our life here.

Matt is persevering to finish his 2nd year in Residency in June and sees the light at the end of the tunnel...only 5 months of call next year! He's enjoying Neuro and would appreciate your prayers as he still needs to decide the area of Neurology in which he'd like to specialize.

I'm absolutely loving my job as a homemaker and have been busy sewing, cooking and in general feeling blessed to have this season at home to prepare for my next full time job. :) For the spring and early fall, I've accepted some opportunities to speak with my former organization, though I'll only do that part time.

We hope this email finds you doing well and would love to hear from you when you get a chance!


Matt & Sara (and Baby H.)